How to fix a Saab and your self-esteem
Front bearings a bit rumbly,
so I thought I’d take a look
at YouTube, see if I could save
a dollar, since I have the tools.
They’re a service item these ones,
always need replacing at a
100k or thereabouts, and running
with them rattly spoils the
silence, just like driving with
a limp, and no one likes to
take to the tarmac with a limp.
Anyway, this fellow on the Tube
who made it all seem easy
looked just like that chap on
Bakeoff, clean and neat
and calm, and filled with
worth and pride and I thought
‘Yes, I’ll have a bit of that’,
and went down to the shed
to fetch whatever I might need
plus cloths, a rug to kneel
on, spanners, oil and stuff. I’d
lain awake all night and planned
the order of affairs, how
first you take the wheel off,
then the brake, (you have to
hang it on the shock absorber
so the little pipe won’t kink),
then the disc, and then the
bearing should drop out all
by itself. You pop the new one
in and Bob’s Your Uncle, so to speak.
Four hours in and all I’d moved
was one small bolt. I’d been
and bought the special tool,
and barked my fingers on a
bloody nut, and with the rain
I cursed the curse of making bad decisions,
the endless silly digging to
escape the holes I’d dug myself,
a lifetime’s misadventure and
the effort to escape it, and God
and Luck and all the bloody that.
Then home I came in some distress.
My wife, who sees all this with
different eyes, said ‘Why not find
a pro to do it? And I’ll sub you for the
cost,’ and she hugged me. And I did.
One thing I got right then.